A tuple is an immutable list of at least two components. Components of the tuple are indexed from zero and indices must be of type Int. A tuple can be built with two or more components between ( and ).



Get the component at index. index can be negative to indicate a position from the end, -1 being the last element. index must be valid.

def t = (1, 'a', 3.14, "good", true)
IO.println(t.at(3)) #> good
IO.println(t.at(-1)) #> true

See also: [ index ] operator


Get a copy of the tuple. As a tuple is immutable, return this.

iterate(iterator), iterator_value(iterator)

Implement the iterator protocol to iterate over the components of the tuple.


Return the number of components in the tuple.

def t = (1, 'a', 3.14, "good", true)
IO.println(t.size) #> 5


Transform the tuple to a String.

def t = (1, 'a', 3.14, "good", true)
IO.println(t.to_s) #> (1, a, 3.14, good, true)


[ index ] operator

Get the component at index. index can be negative to indicate a position from the end, -1 being the last element. If index is not valid, nil is returned.

def t = (1, 'a', 3.14, "good", true)
IO.println(t[3]) #> good
IO.println(t[-1]) #> true

See also: at(index)