The Object class is the root of all classes. It provides default methods like to_s for all objects.

Static Methods

field(obj, index)

Return the value of the field in obj at index. obj must be an instance of a native Agate class. The fields are ordered like their definition in the class. Use this function with caution.

class Vec {
  construct new() {
    @x = 42.0
    @y = 69.0
def v =
IO.println(Object.field(v, 0)) #> 42
IO.println(Object.field(v, 1)) #> 69
IO.println(Object.field(v, 2)) #> nil

field(obj, index, value)

Change the value of the field in obj at index to value. obj must be an instance of a native Agate class. The fields are ordered like their definition in the class. Use this function with caution.

class Vec {
  construct new() {
    @x = 42.0
    @y = 69.0
  x { @x }
  y { @y }
def v =
Object.field(v, 0, 13.0)
Object.field(v, 1, 21.0)
IO.println(v.x) #> 13
IO.println(v.y) #> 21

See also: field(obj, index).

has_method(obj, signature)

Return true if obj has a method with the given signature.

IO.println(Object.has_method(1, "to_f")) #> true
IO.println(Object.has_method(1, "to_a")) #> false
IO.println(Object.has_method(1, "to_x")) #> false
IO.println(Object.has_method(Object, "has_method(_,_)")) #> true

indirect_call(obj, signature, args)

Call the method signature on obj with the arguments in the array args.

IO.println(Object.indirect_call("the cake is a lie", "find(_)", ["cake"])) #> 4

same(obj1, obj2)

Return true if obj1 and obj2 are the same. Values are compared by value (they must have the same state), and objects are compared by reference (they must be the exact same object). This method can be used to test the equality of two objects even if the == operator has been overriden.

IO.println(Object.same(42, 42))   #> true
IO.println(Object.same(42, 69))   #> false
IO.println(Object.same(42, 42.0)) #> false
IO.println(Object.same(42, nil))  #> false

def a = []
IO.println(Object.same(a, a))     #> true
IO.println(Object.same([], []))   #> false



Transform the object to a String.

class Saucisse {
  construct new() { }
def s =
IO.println(s.to_s) #> instance of Saucisse


Returns the Class of the object.

class Saucisse {
  construct new() { }
def s =
IO.println(s.type) #> Saucisse
IO.println(s.type.type) #> Saucisse metaclass
IO.println(s.type.type.type) #> Class


! operator

Returns false as most objects evaluates to true except false and nil.

class Saucisse {
  construct new() { }
def s =
IO.println(!s) #> false

==(other) and !=(other) operators

By default, two objects are considered equal if they have the same value for value types, or if they are the exact same object otherwise.

IO.println(42 == 42)   #> true
IO.println(42 == 69)   #> false
IO.println(42 == 42.0) #> false
IO.println(42 == nil)  #> false

def a = []
IO.println(a == a)     #> true
IO.println([] == [])   #> false

See also: same(obj1, obj2)


Return true if the object’s class or one of its superclass is other. other must be a Class.

IO.println(Object is Class) #> true
IO.println(42 is Int)       #> true
IO.println(42 is Float)     #> false
IO.println(nil is String)   #> false
IO.println([] is Array)     #> true