A map is a container that stores key-value pairs, also called entries. A map is sometimes called an associative array. Keys must implement a .hash method that returns an Int. A map can be built with entries between { and }.

Static Methods


Create a new empty map. It is equivalent to { }.

def m = Map.new()
IO.println(m.empty) #> true
IO.println(m) #> {}



Return the value associated with key. key must be present.

def m = { 1: 'a', true: 3.14, "good": nil }
IO.println(m.at(true)) #> 3.14

See also: [ key ] operator


Remove all the elements from the map.

def m = { 1: 'a', true: 3.14, "good": nil }
IO.println(m) #> {}


Get a deep copy of the map. The keys and values of the map must implement the clone method.

def m0 = { 1: 'a', true: 3.14, "good": nil }
def m1 = m0.clone()
IO.println(m1) #> {1: a, true: 3.14, good: nil}


Return true if key is present in the map.

def m = { 1: 'a', true: 3.14, "good": nil }
IO.println(m.contains(1)) #> true
IO.println(m.contains("bad")) #> false


Remove the entry whose key is key. Return the value of the entry, or nil if the key was not present in the map.

def m = { 1: 'a', true: 3.14, "good": nil }
IO.println(m.erase(1)) #> a
IO.println(m.erase("bad")) #> nil
IO.println(m.size) #> 2

insert(key, value)

Insert an entry in the map. If key is present in the map, the value is replaced with value and the method returns false. Otherwise, a new entry with key and value is created and inserted in the map and the method returns true.

def m = { }
IO.println(m.insert(1, 'a')) #> true
IO.println(m.insert(1, 3.14)) #> false
IO.println(m) #> {1: 3.14}

iterate(iterator), iterator_value(iterator)

Implement the iterator protocol to iterate over the entries of the map.

Each entry is wrapped in a MapEntry object with .key, .value and .to_s methods. The order of entries is not guaranteed.

def m = { 1: 'a' }
for (entry in m) {
  IO.println(entry.type) #> MapEntry
  IO.println(entry.key) #> 1
  IO.println(entry.value) #> a
  IO.println(entry) #> 1: a


Return an iterable that can be used to iterate over the keys of the map. The order of the keys is not guaranteed.

def m = { 1: 'a' }
for (key in m.keys) {
  IO.println(key) #> 1

See also: values


Return the number of entries in the map.

def m = { 1: 'a', true: 3.14, "good": nil }
IO.println(m.size) #> 3


Transform the map to a String.

def m = { 1: 'a', true: 3.14, "good": nil }
IO.println(m.to_s) #> {1: a, true: 3.14, good: nil}


Return an iterable that can be used to iterate over the values of the map. The order of the values is not guaranteed. If the same value is associated with different keys, the value will appear several times.

def m = { 1: 'a' }
for (value in m.values) {
  IO.println(value) #> a

See also: keys


[ key ] operator

Return the value associated with key if key is present, or nil otherwise.

def m = { 1: 'a', true: 3.14, "good": nil }
IO.println(m[true]) #> 3.14
IO.println(m["bad"]) #> nil

[ key ]=(value) operator

Associate value to key in the map. If key is present in the map, the value is replaced with value. Otherwise, a new entry with key and value is created. Return value.

def m = { 1: 'a', true: 3.14, "good": nil }
IO.println(m[true] = 42.0) #> 42
IO.println(m[nil] = []) #> []
IO.println(m.size) #> 4